The Village of Stillborn Mamas

Our mission is to provide love, hope and an authentic space for grieving mothers to fully BE. This space allows our community to love on and support one another as we all move through the lifelong journey of grief together.

Who We Are

We are a nonprofit offering hope and restoration for mothers of stillborn babies. We counsel women 1:1 during and after stillbirth, and offer a retreat one time a year (the first weekend in November) where we have ~5 women come to be loved on & share their story.

The Village Retreat

A highly curated experience for mamas of stillborn babies to come and share their story, honor their baby, and connect with other mamas on the same path.

My story of Amelia.

I was so happy to be having another girl. I was going to have two girls - SISTERS! Sisters meant my dreams were coming true. I knew from the beginning something was wrong; however, I chose to listen to the doctors. My world forever changed on July 9, 2017.


Make a donation to support a stillbirth mama.

Please consider supporting us through prayer, social media, a financial donation or an in-kind donation so we can continue to serve this community in order to drive awareness and provide support to these mamas.